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15 Great Inventions Made By Ordinary Chinese Citizens

#Iphone #China #Science

American scientists around the world are known for most of their inventions, such as Alexander Bell, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, who helped their country become a superpower.

But nowadays most of the inventions are coming from another country and that is China.

So here is the List of 15 unique inventions that most of the ordinary people have tried to make their country famous instead of scientists.

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Opublikowano 3 lata temu TOTOMan
Opublikowano 3 lata temu TOTOMan
140 odtworzeń

15 Great Inventions Made By Ordinary Chinese Citizens

#Iphone #China #Science American scientists around the world are known for most of their inventions, such as Alexander Bell, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, who helped their country become a superpower. But nowadays most of the inventions are coming from another country and that is China. So here is the List of 15 unique inventions that most of the ordinary people have tried to make their country famous instead of scientists. If you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up, share it, comm...